Tag Archives: news

Following the Logic of “A Miracle Inside the Aurora Shooting” to Its End

I’m sure by now you’ve seen the trending article by Brad Strait, A Miracle Inside the Aurora Shooting, on Facebook or twitter. The story truly is amazing. Petra was shot in the head during the Aurora theater shooting last Friday. Her surgery … Continue reading

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Are Unbelievers As Bad as Criminals?

From Reason.com: It’s no wonder that atheists poll so badly; according to the same survey, religious folks believe the godless are about as trustworthy as rapists. “While atheists may see their disbelief as a private matter on a metaphysical issue,” explained … Continue reading

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The Best PR Firm: The Vatican

What better way for your book to get attention than to get denounced by the Vatican? From the Washington Post’s “Under God” blog: Twenty-four hours ago news broke that the Vatican had condemned the book “Just Love:A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics,” … Continue reading

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Theologian Walter Wink dies at 76

The New York Times: Walter Wink, an influential liberal theologian whose views on homosexuality, nonviolence and the nature of Jesus challenged orthodox interpretations, died on May 10 at his home in Sandisfield, Mass. He was 76. Wink was a very … Continue reading

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