Tag Archives: mass murder

Okay, okay, BuzzFeed occasionally does something worthwhile

I’ve grown a bit tired of all the listicles floating around on Facebook these days, but it would seem that BuzzFeed put one together that’s too relevant for Holey Books to ignore. The list is called The 16 Most Bizarre Moments … Continue reading

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The Goodness of a Loving God: More Hardened Hearts (Josh. 11:16-20)

As we’ve seen previously, Joshua and the Israelites conquered the promised land with very little regard to the people already living there. That, of course, is a little too kind. Joshua and the Israelites repeatedly wiped out whoever was in … Continue reading

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Rahab Is Misunderstood (Josh. 2)

When the Israelite spies come to Jericho, they’re housed and protected by a prostitute (not sure why that’s relevant–seriously, there’s no context for it in Joshua) named Rahab. She promises to protect the spies in exchange for amnesty during the … Continue reading

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